Audrey Hepburn is a Babe, Always Match your Socks and Shoes and Lonestar Roundup Signage is the Best
There are days when you want your hair loose and natural, but then there are those other days you want your hair on point and going nowhere. @terrence.13 did just that and picked up a @SuavecitoPremium Pearl Penny Folding Comb too! That one was a good choice.
@saubo with the color coordinating sock and shoes! As he said in his post, sometimes the shoe/sock combo just come together to fit perfectly. Sock game strong hombre!
Da homie @kandyvan is gearing up to head out to this year's @lonestarroundup. He has been working on this sign for sometime now and it's ready to go. Thank you hombre and see you out in Texas!
Was going through the Tumblr the other day and came across this photo of the lovely Audrey Hepburn. She is arguably one of the most beautiful women to be on the big screen. Her elegance and timeless beauty is everlasting.