Victoria's Secret Waves Tutorial

Let’s talk about volume and that big sexy Victoria’s Secret hair. It is a hairstyle that is asked for in the salon almost every day. What woman doesn’t want big, luscious hair with tons of volume and tousled, carefree waves? This hair can go with almost any look, whether it’s going out for dinner or going to a wedding. Here is another step by step to help you achieve the look.

Tools needed:

The first step to this look is to have completely clean hair. After it is washed, spray with your heat protectant. Using your round brush and blow dryer, take sections as wide as the barrel of the brush and elevate as much as you can; elevation in a blow dry is key to volume. Note, this will be a good arm workout! Once your hair is fully dried, sprinkle some dry shampoo on the roots and massage it in with your fingertips to add fullness and give it that tousled or “bedhead” look. Your hair will be sexy and shiny with a glamourous feel!

If your hair is not past the shoulders, it is suggested to use clip in extensions for extra length. Take vertical sections starting in the front. Start on the left side of your hair and curl two inch sections away from the face. Once left is finished, begin on the right side. You will still be wrapping away from the face but it will be going clockwise now. After the hair is completely curled, let it cool. Pump some serum and run through your fingers passing cheekbone level. Next, with the teasing comb, backcomb the crown area to add a bit more height. Spray with hairspray and let it sit again. Lastly, break up the curls using your fingers to give it a piecey feel. After this look is done, you’ll be feeling like a renowned Victoria’s Secret Angel! Mention @Suavecitapomade on your tutorials to have a chance to be reposted!

Victoria's Secret Waves TutorialVictoria's Secret Waves Tutorial


  • Looks super easy enough. Christmas party here I come..

    Caryn Craft
  • This is awesome I hope I win something

  • I would love to try your products they look amazing

  • I found this very helpful in going to try this!

    Chelsea lomasney

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