Halloween vs. Dia De Los Muertos
It’s October! Which means we get celebrate Halloween & Dia De Los Muertos. Although they seem alike, they have quite a few differences. Halloween is originated from Ireland and is an appreciation to the afterlife versus a remembrance. Halloween became a day that children would vandalize and “trick” their neighbors. Communities began to get frustrated that it had become a tradition, therefore, bribed the children with candy to not trick their homes. Dressing up and trick or treating goes back to the eighteenth century. Children would disguise themselves as witches, goblins and ghosts to avoid being carried away at the end of the night. (Which explains why they are the most popular choices for costumes.) Check out our previous Dia De Los Muertos blog post.
Costumes keep getting funnier, scarier and sexier each year. It’s amazing to see the creativity flow at this time of year. People get in the spirit of doing tons of makeup tutorials, nail DIY’s, pumpkin carving, and Halloween treats! We asked our friends Pilar and Jordan to reenact the mascots Suavecito and Suavecita. They both had face painting and hair done for these photos in front of a creepy home in Santa Ana.
As we get closer to this very special day, tons of photos of makeup, hair, nails, and art have been submitted to us on how they used their Suavecito/Suavecita products to create their unique costumes. Let this be a time to show us your Halloween look for this year! Be sure to use the #suavecitopomade and #suavecitapomade hashtags for a chance to be featured!
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